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Performance of the GTAC PV System for 2000

This page contains measured performance data for the GTAC PV system for the year 2000.
on any month on the left to obtain that month’s data.

  • AC Energy Production [MWh]


Month Measured Predicted*
January 13.93 18.7
February 23.89 22.6
March 9.17** 34.0
April 37.90 39.7
May 45.87 46.9
June 7.39** 42.9
July 18.84** 44.0
August 39.37 42.5
September 31.04 31.7
October 34.29 32.3
November 17.57 23.0
December 16.86 18.8

* The "predicted" AC energy production for
each month was found using the computer model PVFORM 3.3, with the TMY providing
meteorological data.

** See the monthly report for

  • Mean daylight-hours module temperature [oC]


Month Measured Predicted
January 15.16 10.5
February 25.26 12.3
March 30.90 19.3
April 29.62 28.5
May 40.56 33.3
June 44.76 35.5
July 45.56 37.4
August 44.49 38.4
September 36.07 32.2
October 35.42 26.8
November 19.60 18.6
December 10.02 12.0

* The measured mean daylight-hours module temperatures are typically
a few degrees higher than the predicted ones. We believe this is due at least in part to
the roof curvature, which impacts air flow above and beneath the array, and standing
seams, which may impede airflow behind the modules more than expected.

  • Daily average solar energy flux [MWh/m2/day]


Month Measured Predicted
January 2.51 3.15
February 4.02 3.43
March 4.49 4.68
April 5.05 5.39
May 6.20 6.31
June 6.15 5.98
July 5.99 5.98
August 5.44 5.76
September 4.26 4.43
October 4.56 4.29
November 2.30 3.11
December 2.10 2.44

  • Average sunlight-to-AC-power efficiency [%]


Month Measured*
January 8.18
February 7.98
March 7.87
April 8.00
May 7.65
June 7.52
July 7.46
August 7.47
September 7.76
October 7.72
November 8.19
December 8.73

* This "average" efficiency was found using only the times
during which the system’s DC power was higher than 80 kW. For lower DC powers, sensor
inaccuracies cause the values to be suspect.

  • Typical DC voltage range [V]
Month Measured
January 360-470
February 360-450
March 345-455
April 340-435
May 330-410
June 330-430
July 320-400
August 320-400
September 325-415
October 345-430
November 350-440
December 380-455


Last updated: Monday, February 05, 2001